The professionals

Founded by Matteo Gatti after ten-years’ experience in top consultancy and audit firms, REVISA offers qualified services to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), large/international companies and to individuals in several types of businesses, meeting the costumer’s needs in an efficient and prompt way.

All the professionals who collaborate with the society and the professional office are Chartered Accountants, Auditors, Accountants and Company and Tax Consultants offering an interdisciplinary service and looking after a further training.

Managing Consulting Group is belonging to a diversified professional’s network (lawyers, notaries, work consultants, audit firm) enabling them to support the whole needs of customers.





Direttiva CSRD per la sostenibilità delle imprese: qual é il ruolo del commercialista

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Con un comunicato stampa del 24 giugno



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Con il messaggio n. 2362 del 2024, l’INPS